Baker's Kitchen in Dubai

Sven and Heike Mostegl bake German bread in Dubai

Sven Mostegl has lived in the United Arab Emirates with his wife Heike and daughter Maya since 2003. The son of a traditional German baker's family actually came to Dubai as a civil engineer and project manager. But his heart has always been in the bakery trade, so the family decided to open a German bakery called Baker's Kitchen on the Persian Gulf. Since Sven Mostegl is trained as a nutritionist and baker, he set himself the goal of using only high-quality products in his baked goods and completely foregoing artificial ingredients. The story of the Mostegl family was also followed at the german docu-soap Goodbye Germany.


The new energy-saving PICCOLO PRO® electric oven aroused great interest from the Mostegl family, so they decided to make the long journey to us in Hilden. In our Test Baking Center, samples were baked diligently for two days. In addition, the ovens in the attached production facility were inspected and assessed. The Mostegl family was ultimately won over by the excellent baking results of the PICCOLO PRO®. In order to facilitate the production of larger quantities, the SEMILIFT loader was also chosen.

The highlight

Precisely fitting electric oven with loader for the bakery

First PICCOLO PRO® in Dubai

That is new

1 x Electro oven (PICCOLO PRO®)

1 x Loader (SEMILIFT)