“Listen up, girls! We bake 8-10 loaves of bread while we listen to jazz, that'll be good! ”- these were the sentences with which founder Kata Papócsi-Réthy and her friends motivated themselves after returning home from a skiing holiday to open the first gluten-free bakery in Budapest. On the opening day in 2015, customers queued up to the next street corner. After only two hours they were completely sold out. Now the Free Pékség bakery has 20 employees and the production site has been increased from 15 m² to 220 m². In addition to the bakery, Free Pékség supplies dozens of cafes, hotels and bistros in Budapest. Kata's husband, Péter Papócsi, quit his well-paying job to support his wife and promote the success of the bakery.
"The demand for high-quality, gluten-free baked goods is very high - within 6 years we have expanded our production site from 15 m² to 220 m²."
Free Pékség is all about the taste experience, which is why the baking results have to be perfect. Founder Kata chose our electric deck oven PICCOLO. The baking chambers placed one above the other enable maximum use of the baking surface and therefore saves time. The stove groups can be operated separately from one another using the modern IQ-TOUCH® control. This allows the stoves to be loaded with different baked goods at the same time and makes the baking surface design absolutely flexible.
Source: Forbes Hungary (2021): https://forbes.hu/uzlet/glutenmentes-free-pekseg-viszonteladok-novekedes-uzem/
Greatest possible baking performance on the smallest footprint
1 x deck oven (PICCOLO)